Contact us …
The first couple of COVID years were difficult for many. So it was for us. Eventually those difficulties meant that we had to close down the shop and regroup. That process has taken much longer than we had hoped.
Now we are just about ready to launch into it all again. We have consolidated. We now have a more suitable printer and shorter, more nimble processing systems.
Branded Test and Tag stickers.
In the few weeks that remain, while we put the final touches on it all before we officially open again, and to get the ball rolling, we are offering branded Test and Tag stickers.
Download a PDF with details or contact us using the form below.
There are lots of reasons that you might want to contact us: to enquire about ordering larger quantities; to suggest something; to tell us we’re great (or, I suppose, to tell us we’re not). Or something else.
In any event, please be nice …